From one of our parkineer’s klem

Silk Sheets

Many people struggle to get in and out of bed, unable to slide to the edge of their bed.

100% silk sheets area great help but at a huge cost. One way to achieve better value is to buy one flat sheet at the appropriate size and one single size flat sheet in silk. Cut a panel from the silk sheet that should be positioned roughly where your torso lays in the bed, either machine stitch onto the sheet or if you need a larger sheet, cut the cotton sheet in half and insert the silk panel either length or width wise. You will end up with at least 2 sheets but probably more like 4 sheets. Now wear silk nightie or pyjamas and slide away!


I make no apologies for making this my top tip because a) IT WORKS and b) IT IS FREE

X percent of people with Parkinson’s suffer with constipation. It can be embarrassing and exhausting, leaves you feeling bloated and is makes it difficult for the body to absorb medication.  The cure? Very simple but needs a degree of discipline. Upon waking and before eating anything drink a litre of warm water. Room temperature is fine. Adding a dash of fruit juice makes it easier to drink. Drink one bottle of 50ml before and one of 50ml after showering. DO NOT EAT ANYTHING until you have finished the litre. it is hard to explain why so many people cannot do this. I wish I had known about this 50 years ago.

Give it a try …. you will not be disappointed.


The subject of getting enough oxygen to the brain has become much talked about since these terrible days of Coronavirus. I came across NutriO2 whilst searching the web. My family had been taking this for the past 2 weeks which is not long enough to give an impartial view. It is a cellular oxygen enhancement fluid, where you put 15 drops into a drink and take once a day. it claims to enhance the immune system so given the current climate, I felt this was worth trying.

Legal CBD Oil

CBD oil. CBD is one of the many cannabinoids that are derived from the cannabis plant, CBD oil contains little or no THC (the cannabinoid that causes a high). It can be used as an oil for massage or as drops taken orally. I take these 3 times a week when my joints are stiff, I don’t feel that this does massive amounts for me, but it does reduce my anxiety. Weed containing THC is under debate and I can’t test until legalized.

Healthy Gut

It has long been accepted that a poor gut is often linked with Parkinson’s, a drink that I recommend to use once a day encourages a healthy gut and is a mixture of organic apple cider with a tea spoon of organic honey and hot water, it is in fact a pleasant drink.


The brain needs good oxygen which is why we should be outside for at least 20 minutes each day. When you perform yout diaphragmatic breathing exercises apply pressure on where the cartilage of the nose meets the bone. This can be further enhanced by applying pressure along the cheek bone, approx. half an inch below the eye. I notice the difference immediately, and I repeat frequently.